A brief history: In 1994, then surgeon general Joycelyn
Elders, when queried about rubbing one out, said it was natural and perhaps
should be part of sex education. Then, basically, she got fired. So, in part,
as a response to those against jerking off and I am sure in support of their
business of selling self-love gear, National Masturbation Month was born.
I never heard of it until this year … never heard of
National Masturbation Month, that is. I am familiar enough with beating the
meat, being a man of the male persuasion and all. I am sure they have a
marketing problem since many mainstream media this-and-that are not gonna be
much interested in promoting the choking of chickens. But Twitter is good for
something I guess, because Twitter is where I discovered this celebration of solo
Like any national month for anything, the whole point is you
don’t do it for just that month, but it raises your awareness of said subject
so you do it year round! The best thing about the promotion of spanking the
monkey is it doesn’t have to cost anything! Most national this or that months
involve buying some product, or spending money in some way. No need to spend
money to polish the knob. Although, some clean-up may be necessary, depending
upon your chosen method of whacking off. But you were already going to do
laundry anyway, right?!
Of course, you are welcome to include toys and props in your
quest for joy by your own hand. So spend away if needed. The choice is yours!
Apparently there are many benefits to taking care of
yourself (wink wink nudge nudge), but I leave it to you to google “benefits of masturbation”
for a plethora of reading material.
Now, get busy and give yourself an orgasm tonight. And
tomorrow night. And the day after tomorrow. Etc., etc., etc.